Copyright Registration is a form of protection offered to the authors of “original works” which includes, lyrics, dramatic, literary, musical songs, music, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished.
Copyright registration is a form of protection, which is granted to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. The copyright owner has the right to reproduce the copyrighted song or lyric to create derivatives or variations of that song or lyric and to distribute it, to display and perform it publicly. However it is strongly advised that copyright registration is secured and applied before a song or lyric released into the public domain. We are one of the leading service providers in India for Copyright Registration, trademark registration Services and other registration services. Our copyright registration services provide fast, and effective evidence to protect the rights of authors.
Copyright aims at providing protection to authors, artists, writers, music and composers on their creations. Our highly skilled and experienced professionals can help you to protect your original works from being copied without permission
Our Copyright Services Include:-
Copyright advice and assistance.
Copyright Registration.
1. Application
2. Filing
3. Registration
Copyright enforcement services.
Copyright infringement services.
1. Infringement
2. Anti competitive
3. Antitrust litigation
Investigate copyright infringements.
Investigate the status of registrations and the scope of protection.
Copyright searches and opinions.
Licensing copyright contracts.