We are a leading law firm in India, which has developed a high specialization in providing trademark registration in India. We cover all the needs of domestic and international clients beginning from Trademark Search, Trademark Filing, Trademark oppositions, and Appeals, trademark registration, international trademark registration services and Trademark Enforcement services with a team of highly skilled and experienced trademark attorneys. Our experienced trademark attorneys have expertise and experience in solving all types of trademark issues and client’s queries. Our policy is to enhance the customer satisfaction through providing quality trademark registration services at affordable price and meeting the client’s requirements and expectations completely.
Trademark Search:-
A trademark search is a comprehensive and analytical way of researching a name, logo or slogan for prior use. It is highly desirable to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for a trademark in India. A basic trademark search includes trademark application in India and registered trademarks.
Patent Registration:-
We provide patent registration, patent filing, international patent registration, and international patent filing services to our global clients at affordable price in India & across the globe. We have a team of experienced professionals, who can help you in providing quality patent registration services and query resolution system.
PCT Filing:-
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an efficient and cost-effective way to enter into the patenting process in many countries at one time. Although the PCT process does not result directly in the issuance of any national patents, it offers several important benefits for applicants contemplating foreign filing. The most important objective of the PCT is to simplify and to render more economical and effective in the interests of the users of the patent system and the offices that have responsibility for administering it.
Company Registration:-
We provide company registration services at affordable price, which meet the client’s requirements and expectations completely. We have a team of experienced trademark attorneys, who have expertise and experience in solving all types of trademark issues and client’s queries.