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Trademark Registrations

Patent Act">Patent Act

A Patent Act is the legislation of a country that controls the use of patents. The main purpose of a patent is to protect inventions. Patents provide the exclusive rights for the owner of a patent to make, use and sell a patented invention. Patent system of India is governed by the superintendence of General Controller of designs patients, trademark patent and geographical indications. This office of general controller runs under department of industrial promotion and policy. There are four patent offices in India among which the head patent office is located in Kolkata and other offices are located in Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi. The examiners of each patent office discharge their work according to the direction of controllers.

International Patent Act

International Patent Act represents one of the powerful intellectual property rights at the international level. The registration of a patent confers on the patentee the exclusive right to use, manufacture and sell his invention for the term of the patent. It means that the invention cannot be commercially made, distributed, used, or sold without the patentee's consent. The patent rights can generally be enforced in a court of law. You are requested to fill up the following form for requesting a patent act or mail us at a

TM-India provides the patent act services around the world. To proceed with patent act in different countries of the world, please go through the below table:

Patent Act in Different Countries

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