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Patent Law in India

The entire patent system and the patent law in India are governed by the superintendence of General Controller of designs patients, trademark patent and by geographical indications. This office of general controller runs under department of industrial promotions and policy. There are four patent office in India, Head office is located in kolkata and other offices are located in Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai. The examiners of each patent office have to release their work according to the direction of controllers.

Patent law is complex, which is essential to obtain the services of an attorney who specializes in patent law. Patent law is one of the fastest growing fields of law, which deals with issues surrounding the protection of ideas. By protecting the rights of the inventor, the government can be sure that people will continue to think of unique and new ideas to share with the world.

Patent law of India has the following most main features, which decide whether a patent will be granted or not:-

  1. The Object: The object of patent law in India is to encourage scientific research, new technology, and industrial progress.
  2. Inventive Step: The fundamental principle of Patent law is granted only for an invention.
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