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Trademark Registrations

Trademark Protection in Honduras

Intellectual Property is the most important part of the modern business, which is a combination of copyright, design, patent, trademark, geographical indication, industrial design, and integrated circuit. IP can create healthy competition in the market, accordingly the traders and manufacturer can develop their products more effectively.

Trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive rights to use in to identify the services or goods to use it in return of payment. It works like a weapon in the hand of registered proprietor or owner of the mark to prevent other traders from unlawful use of the mark of the registered owner. The registration of a trademark will give the exclusive right to the use of the mark in relation to the goods in respect of which the mark is registered and to obtain relief in respect of the trademark in the manner provided under the Act. In order to proceed, if you want any trademark protection service or info in Honduras, please submit all the details and fill up the below query form.

TM-India provides the trademark protection services around the world. To proceed with trademark protection in different countries of the world, please go through the below table:

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